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Self-care for leaders

Brain circuits

Are you ignoring critical self-care?

IbyIMD+ Published 16 November 2021 in Brain circuits • 2 min read

The pandemic has shaken the foundations of businesses across the globe. As it goes on, we all remain in some level of crisis mode. It is not surprising, it is taking a toll on people. As a leader, it is critical that you make sure you are taking care of yourself and managing your own stress. You cannot lead teams and make good decisions if you don’t do that first. Remember the instructions you are given on an airplane in the event of loss of cabin pressure: you must put your own oxygen mask on first before taking care of your dependents. It’s the same in the workplace.

When a crisis happens, the already thin line between personal and professional life disappears. In the current environment where we all went home and many of us haven’t returned to the office, there is no longer any separation. So…

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