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Brain circuits

Does your leadership style encourage customer-centricity?

IbyIMD+ Published 14 February 2022 in Brain circuits • 3 min read

Many companies cite customer satisfaction as one of their great motivations, yet still fail to foster the right relationship with those they are trying to serve. A factor they tend to overlook is the company culture they have created. Organizational culture plays a big part in whether you are able to put customers at the center of your business or not. And it all starts with the tone and approach you create with your leadership.

You can find three specific leadership qualities in truly customer-centric companies. Consider each quality and figure out where you and the rest of your leadership team rate with each of these.


This is the ability to really connect by understanding others, cognitively, emotionally, and behaviorally. It is a quintessential leadership quality and the prerequisite to forming genuine bonds. Being understood comes from trying to…

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