Big shoes to fill: how to succeed a brilliant leader
Executives winning promotion must navigate their transition with a balance of humility, respect for legacy, and a vision for the future....
Sonia Tan is an experienced broadcast producer and manager. She has considerable experience in covering international disasters and global sporting events. She currently works as a campaign and advocacy consultant for the UNDP. She completed the Foundations for Business Leadership at IMD in 2017 and an Executive MBA in 2018.
17 November 2023 • by Michael D. Watkins in Leadership • 6 min read
Executives winning promotion must navigate their transition with a balance of humility, respect for legacy, and a vision for the future....
16 November 2023 • by Ralf W. Seifert, Richard Markoff, Alexander Schmidt in Governance • 6 min read
How companies understand their sustainability-related governance may hold the key to meeting climate goals and thriving in a net-zero economy ...
15 November 2023 • by Frédéric Dalsace, Goutam Challagalla in Leading in turbulent times • 7 min read
The future lies in creating positive value equations for customers, showcasing how sustainability enhances traditional product benefits....
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