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Brain circuits

How do you escape the inside-out belief systems common across companies?

IbyIMD+ Published 3 July 2021 in Brain circuits • 3 min read

In relation to being customer-led, it is helpful to recognise two particular belief systems.

Most companies have inside-out beliefs. Executives making decisions are separated by layers of people and process from their customers. They are surrounded by financial reports, quarterly targets and a sense that their company matters a great deal. But of course, to their customers it might not.

Customer-led beliefs work outside-in. The business understands the problems their customers really want to solve or the outcomes they want, and they can see this is bigger than the products or services they buy today. By finding new and better ways to solve these customer problems or achieve these outcomes, by innovating, customers get continually growing value.

If you start off inside-out then the biggest barrier to becoming…

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