Creating the organization of the future
Bernie Jaworski, author of Creating the Organization of the Future, discusses the critical importance of crafting a clear mission, vision, and purpose for your firm. ...
15 November 2023 • by Frédéric Dalsace, Goutam Challagalla in Leading in turbulent times
The future lies in creating positive value equations for customers, showcasing how sustainability enhances traditional product benefits....
Jean-François Manzoni, President of IMD, hosts frank discussions with CEOs of companies including Nestlé, AstraZeneca and many more.
With great power comes great responsibility. Leaders of organizations from Alvanon to Zurich Zoo share insights on their own journeys.
Join us as we explore diverse issues from digital supply chain transformation to mental health in the workplace in a series of webinars led by our professors.
From the journey of senior executives to issues of gender and data bias, each month, we’ll discuss one recently released book, and add a new one to the list, so you'll be able to plan ahead.
Join us for a new webinar mini-series hosted by IMD Honorary President Peter Lorange together with our IMD Faculty and special guests. The series will explore various trending topics, with each event held in a conversational style among host and panellists.
For years, the technology sector could do no wrong – but since the COVID pandemic, there has been an increasing backlash driven by concerns over data privacy, the rise of AI, and tech industry layoffs. Against this backdrop, this series showcases companies that are using technology to contribute to society.
29 August 2023 • by Julia Binder in Videos • 4 min read • Podcast available
French entrepreneur and mountain guide Marion Chaygneaud-Dupuy explains to Professor of Sustainable Innovation and Business Transformation Julia Binder how she made a profitable business model – climbing Mount Everest – more sustainable...
22 August 2023 • by Jim Pulcrano in Videos • 3 min read
With investors increasingly focusing on ESG topics, you might think that being a Tech for Good company would help attract funding. This is not always the case, says Marc Gitzinger, CEO of...
Explore first person business intelligence from top minds curated for a global executive audience